Unlock Excellence in Healthcare Management: Partner with Skilled Practice Managers for Enhanced Performance Across Practices, PCNs, ICBs, and Training Providers

Locum Practice Manager (LPM) offers a strategic partnership for healthcare providers, including Practices, PCNs, ICBs, and training organisations, seeking to enhance their operations through access to highly experienced Practice Managers.

Our focus is on facilitating the integration of Practice Managers who are adept in balancing a portfolio career, ensuring they bring not only their expertise but also a sustainable approach to their work.

This model benefits providers by introducing professionals who are equipped to handle the pressures of their roles without succumbing to burnout, ensuring continuity and efficiency in healthcare management.

LPM understands the critical need for support in these challenging roles and is committed to providing solutions that benefit both the Practice Managers and the organisations they serve.

If you have a need please complete the form below to connect with our team.

Shaping a Brighter Future: Daniel and Tracy's Vision

At the heart of LPM's creation lies a shared vision by Daniel and Tracy to address a critical gap in the primary care sector: the growing concern of burnout among Practice Managers.

With their extensive experience, spanning decades within healthcare management and development, they recognised the pressing need for a support system that not only aids in professional growth but also promotes a healthy work-life balance.

They bring a wealth of knowledge, passion, and a genuine commitment to transforming the landscape for Practice Managers. LPM was created as a beacon of hope and innovation, offering a pathway to revitalisation and success in both personal and professional realms for Practice Managers everywhere.

If you have a request other than a role please use the form below.